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h = image(r,g,b, option) : Plot up to 3 images overlayed on the RGB channels


function h = image(r, g, b, option)


 h = image(r,g,b, option) : Plot up to 3 images overlayed on the RGB channels

   @iData/image function to plot up to 3 data sets on the RBG channels of an image
     the 3 objects should be 2D objects. Each object is re-scaled within 0 and 1
     interval, so that each color channel is fully used. However, the 'norm'
     keyword in options will scale the color channels within the global min and 
     max Signal values, allowing to compare the relative intensity of the objects.

 input:  r: 2D object on the Red channel (iData or empty)
         g: 2D object on the Green channel (iData or empty)
         b: 2D object on the Blue channel (iData or empty)
         option: global option for 2D and 3D plots: 
                 flat, interp, faceted (for shading)
                 transparent, light, clabel
                 axis tight, axis auto, view2, view3, hide_axes
                 painters (bitmap drawing), zbuffer (vectorial drawing)
                 norm (will use the same color-scale)
 output: h: graphics object handle
 ex:     image(iData(peaks),[],[], 'hide axes');

 Version: Nov. 26, 2018
 See also iData, iData/plot


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