h = plot3(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as separate points or semi-transparent volume @iData/plot3 function to plot a 2D or 3D object 2D objects are shown as separate points in one single color 3D objects are shown as a semi-transparent volume The slice(a) method opens the interactive sliceomatic 3D viewer. input: s: object or array (iData) option: global option for 2D and 3D plots: flat, interp, faceted (for shading) transparent, light, clabel axis tight, axis auto, view2, view3 painters (bitmap drawing), zbuffer (vectorial drawing) output: h: graphics object handles (cell) ex: plot3(iData(peaks)); plot3(iData(flow)); Version: Nov. 26, 2018 See also iData, iData/plot, iData/slice, iData/contour3, iData/contourf iData/contour, iData/surf, iData/slice, iData/surfl, iData/surfc, iData/mesh