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h = scatter3(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as separate colored points


function h = scatter3(a, option)


 h = scatter3(s,option) : Plot a 2D/3D object as separate colored points

   @iData/scatter3 function to plot a 2D or 3D object
     2D and 3D objects are shown as separate colored points
     The slice(a) method opens the interactive sliceomatic 3D viewer.
   scatter3(a, 'filled') produces a bubble plot which symbols are coloured and
     proportional in size to intensity. Symbols are filled circles.
   scatter3(a, 'bubble') produces a bubble plot which symbols are coloured and
     proportional in size to intensity. Symbols are empty circles.

 input:  s: object or array (iData)
         option: global option for 2D and 3D plots: 
                 flat, interp, faceted (for shading)
                 transparent, light, clabel, colorbar
                 axis tight, axis auto, view2, view3, hide_axes
                 painters (bitmap drawing), zbuffer (vectorial drawing)
 output: h: graphics object handles (cell)
 ex:     scatter3(iData(peaks)); scatter3(iData(flow));

 Version: Nov. 26, 2018
 See also iData, iData/plot


This function calls: This function is called by:
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