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b = mlock(s, parameters, ...) : sets parameter lock (fix) for further fit using the model 's'


function a = mlock(a, varargin)


 b = mlock(s, parameters, ...) : sets parameter lock (fix) for further fit using the model 's'

   @iFunc/mlock lock model parameters during further fit process.
     to lock/fix a parameter model, use mlock(model, parameter)

   To lock/fix a set of parameters, you may use a regular expression as:
     mlock(model, regexp(model.Parameters, 'token1|token2|...'))

   mlock(model, {'Parameter1', 'Parameter2', ...})
     lock/fix parameter for further fits
   mlock(model, [1 2 ...])
     lock/fix parameters given their index
   mlock(model, 'all')
     lock/fix all parameters
   mlock(model, 'none')
     free/unlock all parameters
     display fixed parameters

 input:  s: object or array (iFunc)
         parameters: names or index of parameters to lock/fix (char or scalar)
 output: b: object or array (iFunc)
 ex:     b=mlock(a,'Intensity');

 Version: Nov. 26, 2018
 See also iFunc, iFunc/fits, iFunc/munlock, iFunc/xlim


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