Home > Objects > @iFunc > subsasgn.m



b = subsasgn(a,index,b) : iFunc indexed assignement


function b = subsasgn(a,S,val)


 b = subsasgn(a,index,b) : iFunc indexed assignement

   @iFunc/subsasgn: function defines indexed assignement
   such as a(1:2,3) = b

   a.p(index) = val                sets the value of the indexed parameter
   a.p        = val                sets all parameter values
   a.Par      = val                sets the value of the parameter named "Par"
   a.Par      = 'fix' or 'lock'    lock the value of the Parameter "Par"
   a.Par      = 'free' or 'clear'  free/unlock the value of the Parameter "Par"
   a.Par      = [min max]          restraint the Par parameter between bounds [min max]
   a.Par      = [min val max]      restraint the Par parameter between bounds [min max]
                                     and set its value to val
   a.p='fix'                       fix/lock all parameter values
   a.p='free'                      free/unlock all parameter values


This function calls: This function is called by:
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