b = munlock(s, parameters, ...) : free parameter lock (clear) for further fit using the model 's'
function a = munlock(a, varargin)
This function calls:
- cellstr ret = cellstr(s) : convert iFunc into a cell of strings
- feval [signal, model, axes, name] = feval(model, parameters, x,y, ...) evaluate a function
- isempty isempty(s) : true for empty iFunc object
- mlock b = mlock(s, parameters, ...) : sets parameter lock (fix) for further fit using the model 's'
- subsasgn b = subsasgn(a,index,b) : iFunc indexed assignement
This function is called by:
- mlock b = mlock(s, parameters, ...) : sets parameter lock (fix) for further fit using the model 's'
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