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h = plot(model, parameters, axes, ...) plot a model


function h = plot(a, p, varargin)


 h = plot(model, parameters, axes, ...) plot a model

   @iFunc/plot applies the function 'model' using the specified parameters and axes
     and function parameters 'pars' with optional additional parameters. A plot of
     the model is then produced.
     The axis rank '1' corresponds to axis usually labelled as 'y'
     The axis rank '2' corresponds to axis usually labelled as 'x'

 input:  model: model function (iFunc, single or array)
         parameters: model parameters (vector, cell or vectors) or 'guess'
         ...: additional parameters may be passed, which are then forwarded to the model
 output: h: handle to the plotted object (handle)

 ex:     b=plot(gauss); plot(gauss*lorz, [1 2 3 4, 5 6 7 8]);

 Version: Nov. 26, 2018
 See also iFunc, iFunc/fit, iFunc/feval


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