model = sqw_cubic_monoatomic(p, h,k,l,w, {signal}) : cubic monoatomic dispersion(HKL) with DHO(energy) iFunc/sqw_cubic_monoatomic: a 4D S(q,w) with a HKL dispersion, and a DHO line shape, for a simple monoatomic system on a cubic lattice. Only the 3 acoustic modes are computed. WARNING: Single intensity and line width parameters are used here. The HKL position is relative to the closest Bragg peak. Example: s=sqw_cubic_monoatomic([2 3]); qh=linspace(0,.5,50);qk=qh; ql=qh; w=linspace(0.01,10,51); f=iData(s,[],qh,qk,ql,w); scatter3(log(f(:,:,1,:)),'filled'); References: E. Meisterhofer <> 2013 Kittel, Solid State Physics, Wiley, New York, 7th ed. (1996), pp 99-103. input: p: sqw_cubic_monoatomic model parameters (double) p(1)=C_ratio C1/C2 force constant ratio first/second neighbours. p(2)=E0 sqrt(C1/m) energy [meV] p(3)=Gamma dispersion DHO half-width in energy [meV] p(4)=Temperature of the material [K] p(5)=Amplitude p(6)=Background (constant) qh: axis along QH in rlu (row,double) qk: axis along QK in rlu (column,double) ql: axis along QL in rlu (page,double) w: axis along energy in meV (double) signal: when values are given, a guess of the parameters is performed (double) output: signal: model value Version: Nov. 26, 2018 See also iData, iFunc/fits, iFunc/plot, gauss, sqw_phonons, sqw_sine3d, sqw_vaks <a href="matlab:doc(iFunc,'Models')">iFunc:Models</a> (c) E.Farhi, ILL. License: EUPL.