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creates the interactions matrices (connectors and values)


function [SS, SI, RR] = intmatrix(obj, varargin)


 creates the interactions matrices (connectors and values)

 [SS, SI, RR] = INTMATRIX(obj, 'Option1', Value1, ...)


 obj           Input sw class object.


 fitmode       Can be used to speed up calculation, modes:
               0   No speedup, default.
               1   Only atomic positions are precalculated and equivalent
                   coupling matrices are summed up.
               2   Same as mode == 1, moreover only SS.all is calculated.
 plotmode      If true, additional rows are added to SS.all, to identify
               the couplings for plotting. Default is false.
 sortDM        If tru each coupling is sorted for consistent plotting of
               the DM interaction. Sorting is based on the dR distance
               vector, pointing from atom1 to atom2. Its components should
               fulfill the following rules in hierarchical order:
                   1. dR(x) > 0
                   2. dR(y) > 0
                   3. dR(z) > 0.
               Default is false.
 zeroC         Whether to output bonds with assigned matrices that are
               zero. Default is false.
 extend        If true, all bonds in the magnetic supercell will be
               generated, if false, only the bonds in the crystallographic
               unit cell is calculated. Default is true.
 conjugate     Introduce the conjugate of the couplings (atom1 and atom2
               exchanged). Default is false.
 rotMat        Rotate the J and A matrices according to the point group
               operations between symmetry equivalent sites. Default is


 SS            Structure with  fields {iso,aniso,dm,gen}. It describes
               the interactions between spins. Every field is a matrix,
               where every column is a coupling between two spins. The
               first 3 rows contain the unit cell translation vector
               between the interacting spins, the 4th and 5th row contains
               the indices of the two interacting spins in the 'spin'
               variable. The following rows contains the strength of the
               interaction. For isotropic exchange it is a single number,
               for DM interaction [DMx; DMy; DMz], for anisotropic
               interaction [Jxx; Jyy; Jzz] and for general interaction
               [Jxx; Jxy; Jxz; Jyx; Jyy; Jyz; Jzx; Jzy; Jzz]
               For example:
                SS.iso = [dLatX; dLatY; dLatZ; spinIdx1; spinIdx2; Jval].
               For plotmode true, two additional rows are added to SS.all,
               that contains the idx indices of the obj.matrix(:,:,idx)
               corresponding matrix for each coupling and the .idx values
               of the couplings.

 SI            Single ion energy, due to anisotropy and magnetic field.
 SI.aniso      Matrix with dimensions of [3 3 nMagAtom] sized matrix,
               where the energy of the i-th spin is
               E_aniso = spin(:)*A(:,:,i)*spin(:)'.
 SI.g          g-tensor, with dimensions of [3 3 nMagAtom]. It determines
               the energy of the magnetic moment in external field:
               E_field = B(:)*g(:,:,i)*spin(:)'.
 SI.field      External magnetic field [Bx By Bz].

 RR            Positions of the atoms in lattice units, dimensions are
               [3 nMAgExt].



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