Home > Applications > SpinW > m_files > sw_magdomain.m



calculates the spin-spin correlation function for magnetic domains


function spectra = sw_magdomain(spectra, varargin)


 calculates the spin-spin correlation function for magnetic domains

 spectra = SW_MAGDOMAIN(spectra, 'Option1', Value1, 'Option2', Value2...)

 The function can account for magnetic domains that are related by any
 point group operation. Several domains with different volume ratios can
 be defined. The spin-spin correlation function will be rotated and summed
 according to the domains. The rotations of the magnetic domains are
 defined in the xyz coordinate system, same as the coordinate system for
 the spin-spin correlation function.


 spectra   Calculated spin wave spectrum.


 axis      Defines axis of rotation to generate twins in the xyz
           coordinate system, dimensions are [1 3].
 angle     Defines the angle of rotation to generate twins in radian
           units, several twins can be defined parallel if angle is a
           vector. Dimensions are [1 nTwin].
 angled    Defines the angle of rotation to generate twins in degree
           units, several twins can be defined parallel if angle is a
           vector. Dimensions are [1 nTwin].
 rotC      Rotation matrices, that define crystallographic twins, can be
           given directly, dimensions are [3 3 nTwin].
 vol       Volume fractions of the twins, dimensions are [1 nTwin].
           Default value is ones(1,nTwin).


 'spectra' will contain the following additional/changed fields:
 Sab       The multi domain spectrum will be stored here.
 Sabraw    The original single domain spectrum is kept here, so that a
           consecutive run of sw_magdomain will use the original single
           domain spectrum, without the need of recalculating the full
 domVol    Volume of each domains in a vector, with dimensions of
           [1 nDom], where nDom is the number of domains.
 domRotC   Rotation matrices for each domain, with dimensions of
           [3 3 nDom].


 spec = cryst.spinwave({[0 0 0] [1 0 0]});
 spec = sw_magdomain(spec,'axis',[0 0 1],'angled',[0 90 180 270]);

 The above example calculates the spectrum for magnetic domains that are
 related by a 90 degree rotation around the z-axis (perpendicular to the
 ab plane). All domains have equal volume.



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