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calculates neutron scattering intensity for spin wave spectrum


function spectra = sw_neutron(spectra, varargin)


 calculates neutron scattering intensity for spin wave spectrum

 spectra = SW_NEUTRON(spectra, 'Option1', Value1' ...)

 It calculates neutron scattering intensity for polarised and unpolarised
 neutron scattering on spin waves.


 spectra   Input structure that contains the spin-spin correlation


 uv        Cell, that contains two vectors, that define the scattering 
           plane in r.l.u. For example: {[1 0 0] [0 1 0]} for the hk
 n         Normal vector to the scattering plane, in real space (xyz
           coordinate system), dimensions are [1 3]. Default is [0 0 1].
 pol       Whether to calculate cross sections in the Blume-Maleev
           coordinate system (inP, Pab and Mab fields of spectra). Default
           is false.


 the spectra output has the following additional fields:
 param     Input parameters.

 Sperp     Sperp(mode,Q) unpolarised neutron scattering cross section,
           dimensions are [nMode nHkl].
 intP      intP(Pi,mode,Q) polarised scattering cross section, dimensions
           are [3 nMode nHkl].
 Pab       Pab(Pf,Pi,mode,Q) complete polarised scattering cross section,
           dimensions are [3 3 nMode nHkl].
 Mab       Mab(Pf,Pi,mode,Q) components of the correlation function,
           dimensions are [3 3 nMode nHkl].

 If several domains exist in the sample, Sperp, intP, Pab and Mab are
 packaged into a cell, that contains nTwin number of matrices.

 The meaning of the indices:
           Pi      index of incident polarisation (1=xBM, 2=yBM or 3=zBM),
           Pf      index of final polarisation (1=xBM, 2=yBM or 3=zBM),
           mode    index of spin wave mode,
           Q       index of momentum transfer.

 The polarisation components Pi and Pf defines the Blume-Maleev coordinate
 system with (xBM, yBM and zBM) basis vectors as follows:
           xBM     parallel to the momentum transfer Q,
           yBM     perpendicular to Px in the scattering plane,
           zBM     perpendicular to the scattering plane.

 See also SW, SW.SPINWAVE.


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