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c = conv(a,b) : computes the convolution of iData objects


function c = conv(a,b, shape)


 c = conv(a,b) : computes the convolution of iData objects

   @iData/conv function to compute the convolution of data sets (FFT based).
     A deconvolution mode is also possible.
     When used with a single scalar value, it is used as a width to build a 
       gaussian function, with same width along all dimensions
     When used with a vector of same length as the object dimension, a nD
       gaussian function with width as vector elements along each diemsions

     The syntax: conv(a, 'tas') upgrades the data object with a neutron TAS
       configuration using ResLibCal. Any RESCAL-type parameters are sent to 
       ResLibCal and if a Model exists, it is upgraded with a 4D convolution.

 input:  a: object or array (iData or numeric)
         b: object or array (iData or numeric or scalar)
     shape: optional shape of the return value
          full         Returns the full two-dimensional convolution.
          same         Returns the central part of the convolution of the same size as a.
          valid        Returns only those parts of the convolution that are computed
                       without the zero-padded edges. Using this option, y has size
                       [ma-mb+1,na-nb+1] when all(size(a) >= size(b)).
          deconv       Performs an FFT deconvolution.
          deconv_iter  Performs an iterative deconvolution.
          pad          Pads the 'a' signal by replicating its starting/ending values
                       in order to minimize the convolution side effects.
          center       Centers the 'b' filter so that convolution does not shift
                       the 'a' signal.
          normalize    Normalizes the 'b' filter so that the convolution does not
                       change the 'a' signal integral.
          background   Remove the background from the filter 'b' (subtracts the minimal value)
     Default shape is 'same'

 output: c: object or array (iData)
 ex:     c=conv(a,b); c=conv(a,b, 'same pad background center normalize');

 Version: Nov. 26, 2018
 See also iData, iData/times, iData/convn, iData/fft, iData/xcorr, fconv, fconvn, fxcorr, conv, deconv


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