y = gaussnd(p, x, y, ..., signal) : nD Gaussian iFunc/gaussnd nD Gaussian fitting function y = R0 * exp(-[x,y,...]' * G * [x,y,...]) a multi-dimensional Gaussian profile <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_function#Multi-dimensional_Gaussian_function> This model has no background, is centered, and has maximum intensity set to 1. The parameters correspond to widths. MODEL CREATION gaussnd([w1 w2 ... wn ]) builds a 'n' Dimensional orthogonal Gaussian with widths [w1 w2 ...] gaussnd(M) where M is a square matrix [n x n] builds a 'n' Dimensional. if M is non symmetric, it is made so from (M+M')/2 gaussnd('ResLibCal') extracts a 4D TAS resolution function from ResLibCal gaussnd('defaults') builds a 2D Gaussian gaussnd and gaussnd('gui') shows a Dialogue to enter the Gaussian matrix, widths or other option. MODEL EVALUATION input: p: Gaussian model matrix (double, symmetric ndims*ndims) p = [ ndims(G) * ndims(G) values ] or 'guess' x,y,...: axes (double) signal: when values are given and p='guess', a guess of the parameters is performed (double) output: y: model value ex: y=gaussnd([1 0 1 1], -10:10, -10:10); or plot(gaussnd) Version: Nov. 26, 2018 See also iFunc, iFunc/fits, iFunc/plot, gauss2d, gauss (c) E.Farhi, ILL. License: EUPL.