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sqw_spinwave: build a SpinWave model (S. Petit/LLB)


function s = sqw_spinwave(file, action)


 sqw_spinwave: build a SpinWave model (S. Petit/LLB)


 Performs a SPINWAVE calculation using S. Petit/LLB code. The input file can be:

   * a spinwave input file, such as MnFe4Si3.txt (in Data)
   * 'defaults' will use an example.
   * a CIF/CFL/ShelX file. In this case only the structure is imported, and
       it is REQUIRED to edit the generated model in particular 
       the moment type 'NOM' and couplings J1,D1 (J2,D2) must be set.
   * a Crystallography.net ID then specify 'cod: ID' as file name,
       e.g. 'cod: 1006141'
   * a chemical formula, then specify 'cod: formula' in Hill notation,
       e.g. 'cod: La Mn O3'
   * 'gui' to get a dialogue window and enter a COD ID or formula.

 The input file may contain tokens to identify variable model patrameters.
 The tokens format can be '$par' or '($par=val)' to specify default values.
 The access to COD requires a valid network connection.

 You can check for SPINWAVE installation with: sqw_spinwave check
 You can compile   SPINWAVE              with: sqw_spinwave compile

 The SPINWAVE model is built as S(q,w) 4D, or 2D when 'action' contains 'powder'.
 The 4D model does not support the 'powder' iFunc_Sqw4D method, so the spinwave
   should instead use sqw_spinwave('file','powder')

 model = sqw_spinwave(file)

   file:    file name of a SpinWave input file or CIF/CFL/ShelX or COD ID
   action:  string that may contain 'powder' (to create a 2D integrated powder model)
              and 'edit' to edit the SpinWave input file.

   model: SpinWave model [iFunc_Sqw4D or iFunc_Sqw2D (powder)]. 
   The model parameters are set as '$par' symbols in the spinwave template, which
   you can edit with sqw_spinwave(mode, 'edit'). Remember to SAVE before closing.


 You may edit the SPINWAVE input file anytime with: sqw_spinwave(model, 'edit')
   Remember to SAVE before closing.

 Powder 2D case: Once created, the model is used as:
   value = model(p, q, w)
   value = iData(model, p, q, w)

 input:  p: spinwave model parameters set as '$par' symbols in the spinwave template (double)
         q:  axis along Q in [Angs-1] (row,double)
         w:  axis along energy in meV (column,double)

 Crystal 4D case: Once created, the model is used as:
   value = model(p, qh, qk, ql, w)
   value = iData(model, p, qh, qk, ql, w)

 input:  p: spinwave model parameters set as '$par' symbols in the spinwave template (double)
         qh: axis along QH in rlu (row,double)
         qk: axis along QK in rlu (column,double)
         ql: axis along QL in rlu (page,double)
         w:  axis along energy in meV (double)
    signal: when values are given, a guess of the parameters is performed (double)
 output: signal: model value

   m = sqw_spinwave('defaults');
   m = sqw_spinwave('MnFe4Si3.txt'); S=iData(m, [], 0:.05:4, 0,0, 0:0.5:20);

   m = sqw_spinwave('MnFe4Si3.txt','powder'); 
   q = linspace(0.01:.25:3); w=0:.5:20;
   S=iData(m, [], q, w); S=iData_Sqw2D(S);

 Reference: SpinWave, S. Petit LLB <http://www-llb.cea.fr/logicielsllb/SpinWave/SW.html>
 See also: read_cif, sqw_phonons, sqw_spinw


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