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frame = getframe(s, dim, options) : create an iData object thumbnail/frame matrix


function frame = getframe(a, dim, options)


 frame = getframe(s, dim, options) : create an iData object thumbnail/frame matrix

   @iData/getframe function to create iData frames/thumbnails.
   Such thumbnails may be used to create icons on GUIs
   Note: a figure will flicker on screen.

 input:  s:   object or array (iData)
         dim: dimension of the thumbnail. When specified, the frame has no labels, ticks, ...
              to serve as a thumbnail
         options: specific plot options, default is 'axis tight'

 output: frame: frame/thumbnail
 ex:     f=getframe(a); image(f.cdata);

 Version: Nov. 26, 2018
 See also iData, iData/plot, getframe, image, imwrite


This function calls: This function is called by:
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