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s = prod(a,dim) : computes the product of iData objects elements


function [s,sigma] = prod(a,dim)


 s = prod(a,dim) : computes the product of iData objects elements

   @iData/prod function to compute the product of the elements of the data set
     prod(a,dim) operates along axis of rank dim. The axis is then removed.
       If dim=0, product is done on all axes and the total is returned as a scalar value. 
         In this case, a second output argument holds the error bar.
       prod(a,1) operates on first dimension (columns)

 input:  a: object or array (iData/array of)
         dim: dimension to operate (int//array of)
 output: s: product of elements (iData/scalar)
 ex:     c=prod(a);

 Version: Nov. 26, 2018
 See also iData, iData/plus, iData/prod, iData/cumprod, iData/mean


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