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s = meshgrid(a) : transforms an iData object so that its axes are grids


function b = meshgrid(a, varargin)


 s = meshgrid(a) : transforms an iData object so that its axes are grids

   @iData/meshgrid function to transform iData object axes so that they are
     on a regular grid, as obtained from ndgrid. When the initial axes are not
     perpendicular/regular, the object Signal is interpolated on the new grid.
   meshgrid(a, 'vector' ...) forces all axes as vectors
   meshgrid(a, 'grid' ...)   forces all axes as grid with same size as Signal
   meshgrid(a, dims, ...)    specifies the size of the histogram
   meshgrid(a, 'fill' ...)   fills empty histogram bins (e.g. when converting from an event list)
   meshgrid(a, 'method' ...) uses specified method for interpolation as one of
                    linear (default), spline, cubic, or nearest

   A meshgrid histogram can be converted back into an event list with the 'event' method.

 input:  a: object or array (iData)
         method: 'linear','cubic','spline','nearest'
                 'vector' to get only vector axes
                 'fill'   to replace NaN's in the final data set
 output: s: object (iData)
 ex:     c=meshgrid(a); c=meshgrid(a, 'vector linear')
         c=meshgrid(a, 100, 'fill')

 Version: Nov. 26, 2018
 See also iData, iData/interp, iData/hist, iData/event, iData/fill


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