iFit: iData methods

  1. data structure, aliases, signal and axes
  2. general
  3. import/export/type casting
  4. testing/comparing
  5. math: common operators
  6. math: convolution, correlation and Fourier transforms
  7. math: statistics, fitting and peak searching
  8. math: integration and derivatives, projections
  9. math: combination and merging/assembling
  10. math: interpolation
  11. plotting

In this page, links are valid when browsed from Matlab with the command:
>> methods(iData)
The help windows then displays the help for each command (usage, input and output arguments, examples, ...).

To get help of any of these iData methods, type e.g.:
>> help iData/load
Most of these methods are also valid for iFunc model objects, and the naming corresponds with standard Matlab functions.

The full technical documentation is available for iData and iFunc objects.

data structure, aliases, signal and axes

A dedicated documentation about the iData object is available.


A dedicated documentation about the iData object is available.

import/export/type casting

Dedicated documentations about Loading and Saving objects are available.


A dedicated documentation about the iData comparison operators is available.

math: common operators

A dedicated documentation about the iData mathematical operators is available.

math: convolution, correlation and Fourier transforms

A dedicated documentation about the iData mathematical operators is available.

math: statistics, fitting and peak searching

Dedicated documentations about the iData analysis operators and fitting are available.

math: integration and derivatives, projections

A dedicated documentation about the iData mathematical operators is available.

math: combination and merging/assembling

A dedicated documentation about the iData mathematical operators is available.

math: interpolation

A dedicated documentation about the these operators is available.


A dedicated documentation about the plotting is available.

E. Farhi - iFit/iData methods - Aug. 22, 2017 1.10 - back to Main iFit Page ILL,
          Grenoble, France <www.ill.eu>