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hist(a, axis1, axis2, ...) computes the accumulated histogram from event data sets


function c=hist(a, varargin)


 hist(a, axis1, axis2, ...) computes the accumulated histogram from event data sets

   @iData/hist function to compute the accumulated histogram from an event data
     set. This is similar to a call to hist and accumarray.

   hist(a, axis1, axis2, ...) specify the axes as bin edges. The axes 
     should be vectors or a single value that indicates the number of bins in the
     range [min, max] of the corresponding axis rank in the initial object. 
     The bin edges vectors have length(a{k])+1 elements. A default of 33 bins 
     is used when not specified.

   hist(a, [ bin1 bin2 ...]) same as above when specifying the number of bins.

   hist(a, ..., 'Fun', FUN) 
     applies the function FUN to each subset of elements of VAL.  FUN is
     a function that accepts a column vector and returns
     a numeric, logical, or char scalar, or a scalar cell.  A has the same class
     as the values returned by FUN.  FUN is @SUM by default.  Specify FUN as []
     for the default behavior.

   hist(a, ..., 'fill')
     performs an interpolation between the events to fill unset histogram bins.

 The histogram can be converted back to an event list using the 'event' method.

 input:  a: object or array (iData)
         axis1, axis2, ...: bins or number of bins  (vector or scalar)
 output: c: histogrammed object (iData)
 ex:     a=iData([ ifitpath 'Data/Monitor_GV*']); b=hist(a);

 Version: Nov. 26, 2018
 See also iData, accumarray, hist, histc, iData/plot, sum, iData/interp, iData/event


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